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HipHop Everything : Free Mastering by LANDR

As you already know Hip Hop Everything is here to put on for indie artists, that said, we found a valuable resource that we want to share with you. We understand the struggles of indie artists and how sometimes, a budget for studio time, tracking, mixing, mastering and/or covers art is non-existent.

How does free mastering sound like to you? Will that help and motivate artists to stay the course? Of course it would. We heard of LANDR by MixGenius, a website that offers free mastering for MP3s, so we gave it a try and guess what, it works. You get your songs mastered within seconds.

Try it out for yourself. Go to LANDR and start mastering some of your dopest tracks. LANDR gives you three intensity options, low, medium and high, making the mastering process an entertaining one. WARNING: The mix you submit for mastering needs to have some headroom available, anywhere from -5 to -4 Dbs for successful mastering and don't worry, LANDR will let you know if your mix is coming in too hot. After you done, feel free to visit our #IndieHotspot and submit your track to be considered for web placement. So make sure its hot and make sure its mastered with LANDR.

HipHop Everything : Free Mastering by LANDR

(Image Credits:

By ITZ DRACO for #HipHopEverything

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