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Hip Hop Everything : Jay Smallz

Today we take the time out to talk about an individual that goes by the name of Jay Smallz. Needless to say this artists packs a punch. With his unpredictable style and ability to switch from flow to flow with transitions so fresh, Jay Smallz has become one of the most spoken bout artist coming out of New Jersey. For the record, let this blog serve not only as a review on his music but also as an overall artist, this guy's dope.

Jay Smallz, Hip Hop Everything Blogspot feature

Jay Smallz brings something different to table, interacts with his fans and most importantly, he's Hungry. His hard worked has allowed him to get noticed by some of the majors in the music industry and has received shouts outs on Twitter from @ThisIs50 and @MissyElliott. He is also featured on the Jersey Cypher, a Worldstar video showcasing some of New Jersey's top artists. You can check out Jay Smallz LP, "Small World Big Universe" on DatPiff, presented by #WeMC, with 46,166 views, 13,284 streams and 26,081 downloads to date. Feel free to go by and download the Mixtape, we recommend it.

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By ITZ DRACO for HipHopEverything

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