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@MisfitsCreate Ep. 31 Feat. Alli B is out now

How many of you have adopted a child from Cambodia when you were only seven years old? Yes, that’s right, seven. In episode 31 we talk to poet/writer Alli B., who has been extremely passionate about the betterment of society since a very young age. Her desire to make the world a better place is truly felt through the raw, uncut approach she uses in her writing.

Alli speaks to us a year after she made one of the biggest jumps in her life: Leaving a stable job and pursuing a career in writing. Since then, Alli has been doing exactly what she loves to do… Traveling, writing, and making a difference in the world. Learn more about her passion for the arts and society, and what she hopes to help change in her lifetime on episode 31 of Creative Misfits!

Episodes are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. You can also check it out on Friday, June 29th at 7pm, on HHE Radio!


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